ANZAC Day in Hay

Lachlan St

25/04/2024 6:00 am - 25/04/2024 12:00 pm

Everyone is invited to the ANZAC Day commemorations.
Dawn services held at the Cenotaph (Lachlan St) commences at 6am, guest speaker former Army Corporal Ben Brettschneider. At completion of the Dawn Service, there will be a reciting of the Ode and wreath laying at the cemetery.

Gunfire breakfast at the Hay Services Club straight after the Dawn Service - small cost for breakfast.

10am - Form up for the the march to commence along Lachlan St, Moppett St and Pine St. A break in the march to allow tributes to be laid at the Boer War Memorial, completing the march at the Hay War Memorial School - Spirit of ANZAC Centre for the main assembly at 11am.

Operating Hours

6am - 12noon

Play nearby

HCS Markets

Lion's Park in Lachlan St

30/09/2023 8:00 am - 30/09/2023 1:00 pm

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Hay Glow

Cnr of Pine and Morgan - AT THE POND

12/10/2024 5:00 pm - 12/10/2024 9:00 pm

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Regional Park Track

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